What is the difference between a UPC and Amazon’s FNSKU barcode?

Universal Product Code, or UPC for short, is a 12-digit code that identifies a specific product or variation of a product throughout the entire retail chain. Whether your item is selling at Amazon, Walmart, Ebay, or local shops your products will all be identified using the same UPC. 

Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit, or FNSKU for short, is only used by Amazon. Their FNSKU codes in the US are a mixture of letters and numbers such as X0023I5B5N

GTIN…UPC…EAN… What are the differences? 

UPC: Universal Product Code

EAN: European Article Number

GTIN: Global Trade Item Number

UPC and EAN were the original names of the 12 digit codes we all know and love. GTIN is the new and combined reference to the same UPC/EAN numbers. 

I read online that GS1 is the only place to get UPC codes. Is that true?

No, absolutely not true. Do not believe everything you read on the internet. All UPC codes licensed through United Barcodes are registered in the GS1 database and are available for use with Amazon, Walmart, Ebay, Shopify, and all retailers.

What do I get with my purchase of a GTIN through United Barcodes?

Each order will receive image files in both .JPG and PDF form, an Excel spreadsheet with the list of numbers, and a certificate of authenticity. United Barcodes will update the GS1 database to reflect your company and brand name associated with the UPC codes for the entire duration of your license period.

How long should I license a GTIN Barcode? 

If your products are in the marketplace and being made, distributed, or sold anywhere in the world you must keep an active license for the applicable GTIN (UPC) codes on those products.

What happens at the end of my license period? 

Don’t worry, each GTIN automatically renews unless you cancel it. You will receive a notice 30 days before the end of the end of the licensing period and renewal fees can be paid anytime before the end of the term. Renewal fees are due prior to the expiration of the license period to avoid licensing disruption.

If you wish to not renew the license a cancelation notice must be sent prior to the expiration of the license period. All cancelation notices must be sent to cancel@unitedbarcodes.com and must include the registered business name, brand name, and the GTIN code or codes you wish to cancel.